
By car, by train, by motorbike or bike, by foot... Ostana is 75km far from Turin, 68Km from Cuneo, 40Km from Pinerolo and 33Km from Saluzzo. It is easy to get there!

By car

  • highway A6 Turin-Savona, exit in Marene, follow SS 662 to Savigliano, then to Saluzzo. Follow to Revello, Sanfront, Paesana, Ostana
  • highway A55 Turin-Pinerolo. From Pinerolo follow to Bricherasio, Bagnolo Piemonte, Barge, Paesana, Ostana

By train

From Turin Porta Nuova station to Saluzzo station via Savigliano. Follow by bus to Paesana and Ostana (Bivio at 1500 m. from the center of the village).

Online maps

Ostana mappa della Valle Po e dintorni
Ostana: mappa della Valle Po e dintorni - Clicca per ingrandire