
The Chambra d'Oc studies, disseminates and save the Occitan language and culture. Every year it organizes the Premio Ostana - Scritture in lingua madre. By its portal it provides a valuable collection of content and informations about the Occitan Valley and the Brigasca area. It also produces and makes available full online lectures in Occitan language, itineraries and maps to discover and walk along the occitan paths, curious toponymy, pieces of literature, news about concerts, music groups and events.

The portal also offers a Web-TV and the possibility for users to browse the document collections which the Chambra d'Òc has organized and studied by its collaborators. The portal is supported by the Piedmont Region, the Città Metropolitana of Turin and the Unione dei Comuni in the Occitan speaking area in Piedmont, under the Law 482/1999.

You can search the documents of your interest by geographical areas and territorial bodies which belong to the 4 Language Minorities of Piedmont: Occitan, French-Provençal, French and Walser.

Sito web: http://www.chambradoc.it/
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