
Ostana, is one of the municipalities awarded as one of the best villages in Italy. Guests are very welcome in this dining room facing the Monviso mountain. You can spend here special moments all seasons long, listening to ancient stories told by people who never abandoned these places, while enjoying the precious sound of the Occitan language.

Find your favourite place to stay and enjoy the local food!

Agritourism "A nostro mizoun (A cà nòsta)"

Website: www.anostromizoun.it
Place: Durandin 39
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Tel . +39 339 7616431

Rural Hotel and Restaurant "La Galabèrna"

Website: www.rifugiogalaberna.com
Place: Villa
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Tel . +39 345 5973406 - +39 0175 940310

Bed & Breakfast "B&B 44"

Via Roma, 44
Place: Villa
Tel. +39 347 2461812

Rooms for rent "Aglaia"

Place: Crouç
Tel. +39 339 18763655

Holidays Home "Baita Miridò"

Place: Borgata Miridò
Tel. +39 333 7707471

Holidays Home "Lombardo"

Place: Villa
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Tel. +39 333 1293277

Holidays Home "Lou Batënt"

Website: www.residenceloubatent.eu
Place: Frazione Ruà
Tel. +39 335 6761014